American Citizens Information and Passport Day
When: Friday, 15th June 2018
Time: 0900-1600 (9 AM – 4 PM)
Where: U.S. Consulate Munich, Königinstr. 5, 80539 Munich
Further info:
Attention U.S. Citizens and family members - The U.S. Consulate is hosting its annual American Citizens Information and Passport Day on 15th June. You can visit with representatives from U.S. and German government agencies such as the Department of State and the Kreisverwaltungsreferat. In addition, you can learn more about non-profit organizations (including the AGBC) for Americans living in Bavaria.
Or do you need to renew your passport? You can schedule an appointment for the day of the event at
The Consulate staff will sell American food, chips, snacks, and sodas. Come on out for an informative and interactive day.
Note: You or a U.S. citizen family member must present a U.S. passport for entry. Please refrain from bringing cell phones, cameras or any prohibited items (listed on