March for Our Lives - Students March – 24th March 2018
When: Saturday, 24th March 2018
Time: 1100-1300 hours
Where: Meet at the Prinz-Carl-Palais (across from the U.S.Consulate, Königinstr. 5, 80539 Munich)
Route: Through central Munich, ending at the Max-Josef-Platz
With their calm, constructive reactions and corrective suggestions on the recent shooting tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the surviving students are making their voices heard. They have established the new #NeverAgain movement and have joined with students, teachers and parents of many other schools to take the lead in cogently standing up for their own rights, especially on gun control but also on other issues.
The students want to change the conversation around education in America, not just with regard to gun control. The poised, articulate, well-informed, and preternaturally mature student leaders at Stoneman Douglas are “standing tall.” Their words and actions have been powerful, and their eloquence and poise have highlighted the great quality of their high school and their teachers. With its strong base of extracurricular education (especially in arts, drama, civics, debate, forensics, and public speaking), Stoneman Douglas has provided the platform that has enabled its students to take highly active leads in responding maturely to this debacle. Moving forward, the need for fostering political engagement and communications skills to build adults is clear.
The #NeverAgain movement has organized the March for Our Lives initiative (with a parade permit for 500,000 people) which will take place in Washington D.C. on Saturday, 24th March 2018. This Washington march will be supported by more than 50 “sister marches” in cities across the US as well as many overseas.
Members of many of the MING groups will join them in making our voices heard here in Munich with our supportive march starting at 1100 on Saturday, 24th March. Take a stand and march in Munich to peacefully but constructively affirm our values and speak up for those who cannot. Non-Americans are more than welcome at this affirmative event.
There will likely be press on hand so spread the word. As with the Women’s March on 20th January, we encourage signs that are content/issue driven and in good taste. Offensive signs may risk being taken.
At the conclusion of the march, US voter assistance will be available at Max-Josef-Platz. Please do stop by the voter assistance tables to request your absentee ballots for the upcoming 2018 US elections.