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7th Annual Little American Oktoberfest

When:   Sunday, 3rd July 2016

Time:    1200-2100 but Core time 1300-1700. 

Where:  Waldwirtschaft Grosshesselohe (Pullach) – Georg-Kalb-Str. 3, 82049 Munich

Price:    Pay as you consume


The Waldwirtschaft team invites us all again to the Little American Oktoberfest. The festivities start at 12 noon and continue throughout the day.  Our reserved tables in the beer garden are facing the band and located under the white umbrellas.  This year AGBC Member Linda Jo Rizzo again leads the entertainment with a variety of country/western music, rock and pop music for your dancing pleasure.  We will also have bull-riding with the mechanical bull, a wild-west show and square dancing.

Around 1500 the Waldwirtschaft will treat us to a keg of free beer during a special keg-opening ceremony. You can also purchase Kobe-beef hamburgers (for a specially reduced price), US steaks and a full assortment of delicious Biergarten food from the kiosks.  All are invited and we hope to greet many of you there.  Please advise Dave Dowdy at by Wednesday, 29th June on how many people will be attending from your group or organization.