Event: Concert – Orchestra Jakobsplatz München
Music: Samuel Beckett’s Words and Music with score by Morton Feldman.
When: Monday, 18th July 2016
Time: 1900 hours Tour of Synagogue, 2000 hours Concert.
Where: Hubert-Burda-Saal, Jüdisches Zentrum Jakobsplatz, Sankt-Jakobs-Platz 18, 80331 Munich
· Concert – Tickets at Eur 36.00/Eur 30.00/Eur 26.00 –
. Less 15% discount when purchased at the office of Orchester Jakobsplatz München (OJM) – Lechstr. 11, 80638 München (tel: 089 / 1509 9750) or via E-mail to synagoge@orchester-jakobsplatz.de . Password is “OJM Friends.”
. Otherwise at full price at München Ticket (tel 089 / 5481 8181), at other known event ticket agencies or at the Abendkasse.
· The Synagogue tour – This is open only to purchasers of the Eur 36.00 Tickets (less 15% discount). Reservations must be made by 14 July via E-mail to synagoge@orchester-jakobsplatz.de.
· Israeli buffet dinner Eur 12.50. Reservations/tickets available at the office of the Orchesters Jakobsplatz München, tel. 089 / 1590 9750.
Dr. Julia Grossmann, Director of the Orchester Jakobsplatz München, invites members of the Munich International Networking Group organizations to a special tour and concert event at Munich’s Jewish Center.
The evening will feature a special musical production of Samuel Beckett’s Words and Music with the musical score by Morton Feldman, his Meisterwerk. This will be performed by the Orchester Jakobsplatz München, conducted by Daniel Grossmann and accompanied by 2 highly ranked international actors, Bibiana Beglau and Götz Otto.
Words and Music (also known as Joe and Bob) was originally written by Samuel Beckett as a radio play in 1961. At the end of the 1980’s American composer Morton Feldman provided the accompanying music score. With two speakers (one of whom also sings), piano, percussion, two flutes, two violins, and cello, Feldman's score is atypical of his later works, remarkably concise, crystalline and beautiful.
Joe and Bob argue about supremacy, in a further variation of an age-old theme of whether the priority in a musical is in the text or in the music.
After the concert, an Israeli-style buffet will be served in the Restaurant Einstein, also at Sankt-Jakobs-Platz 18. .
For further information:
Dr. Julia Grossmann, Orchesterdirektorin
Orchester Jakobsplatz München
Lechstr. 11 / 80638 München
Tel: +49 - 89 - 15 90 97 50
Mobile: +49 - 151 588 40 400
Fax: +49 - 89 - 15 98 05 09