AGBC October Monthly Meeting – Wednesday, 28th October
Guest Speakers: Willem Bulthuis, Natali Brandis: “Risks and Crisis Management – Cyber-Security Breaches”
Risks and Crisis Management – Cyber-Security Breaches
When: Wednesday, 28th October, 2015
Time: 1900-2300
Where: Marriott Hotel, Berlinerstrasse 93, 80805 Munich
Sign-Up: Events tab at or on the new AGBC Munich Community Platform at
Did you know (Bitkom 2015):
1. 75% of German companies say their IT systems are regularly attacked.
2. 51% of German companies have experienced Cyberespionage, sabotage or data theft in the past two years, with an estimated damage of 51 Billion Euro.
3. However, 51% do not have Crisis Management in place, which could reduce damage in case of an incident.
4. In the USA, 78% of CIOs and CISOs say their Board of Directors has not been briefed on their Cybersecurity Strategy in the last 12 months.
5. Often the intrusions are only accidentally noticed and not detected until well after the fact.
Cyber security is a hot topic today, especially with the reported IT breaches at a number of high-profile companies (e.g. Sony Pictures, Target, etc.), not to mention many such incursions that go unreported or even worse, unnoticed.
The cost of these attacks can be enormous … and the ensuing damage control costs can be “gi-normous,” especially in terms of compromise of personal information and lost-reputations for the companies and employees involved.
Company owners and managers are legally obligated to proactively take and maintain effective security measures that minimize the risks and to install procedures to mitigate any ensuing damage. .
Come join us at our monthly meeting on 28th October to learn about the potential cost of hacker attacks and to learn some fundamental steps that are endemic to effective crisis management strategies, steps that can also be leveraged for use in other damage control situations.
During the first part of the meeting, Willem Bulthuis will outline why Cyber Security is an Executive Management responsibility and then sketch what activities and costs a company is confronted with during and after an IT Security incident. He will describe approaches to reduce the risk of incidents and to minimize the (direct and indirect) damages resulting from an incident.
Then Natali Brandis will discuss communications strategies and tactics that can be prepared in advance to help effectively respond to the aftermath of at IT security attack. These are the steps on (1) how to manage the situation and (2) how and when to communicate about the incursions, both internally and externally, if needed. The proper formulation of these communications can be especially challenging and requires professional preparation – stakeholders are very sensitive, and attackers are often anonymous, at least in the initial stages of the investigation. Especially essential are use of the appropriate communications channels and tools. All elements must be geared to minimize the not only the impacts on the Company’s reputation but also on the stakeholders.
Willem Bulthuis has worked in the global high-tech industry for 30 years, at companies like Philips Electronics, NXP Semiconductors, Giesecke & Devrient and most recently as Board Member of secunet security networks AG, one of the largest dedicated IT-security companies in Germany. He has held Executive Positions responsible for Global Marketing & Sales, Business Development and Innovation and has also served as Group Chief Technology Officer. Willem has experience in innovative industries like Consumer Electronics, Media, Automotive, Semiconductors, Payment, Telecom and IT Security, and has been based in the USA (Silicon Valley), The Netherlands and Germany (since 2006). Currently he is active as Business Angel and Digitalization Advisor on topics like SmartGrid, Industry 4.0, Connected Car and Smart Agriculture.
Natali Brandis is Director at CNC – Communications & Network Consulting AG in Munich, where she specializes in crisis management communications. With a 16-year career in the communications arena, she has served as press speaker for Auto 5000 GmbH (Wolfsburg) München and has worked as Communications Specialist in the cultural team within the VW AG Communications Department. She studied Media Management as well as Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Leipzig.