Over the years, our AGBC Christmas dinner events have always been special ones, and this year’s will continue the trend. For the second year running, we will hold this year’s AGBC Christmas Dinner at the historic Café Luitpold, Brienner Str. 11, 80333 Munich (web: www.cafe-luitpold.de) starting at 1900/7 PM and running until 2300 hours. Dinner will include an aperitif or alcohol-free drink and Minipasteten, followed by a delicious Christmas dinner which features Hokkaido Kurbis soup and Hirschrücken (venison) or Fisch St. Pierre. This will then be topped off by the Café Luitpold Chapeau Surprise desert. Participants will pay Eur 40.00 in advance for this evening, which is subsidized by the Munich Chapter of the AGBC. The price covers the aperitif, dinner and mineral water. As in prior years, participants will be asked to pay for their other drinks and related gratuities separately.
The following are the conditions for registration:
1. Registration and prepayment are required by not later than Saturday, 30th November. This is essential for planning purposes at Café Luitpold.
2. The Special Price of Eur 40.00 per person must be pre-paid to hold your reservation - the reservation is only valid once your payment is received. Thus: “first paid, first reserved.” Please make your payments as soon as possible.
3. Payment should be made to the AGBC Bank Account at the Münchner Bank, Account Nr: 1089595, BLZ: 701 900 00. Please state your last name, number of tickets being purchased, meat or fish, and "Christmas Dinner.” (e.g.: J. Doe and M. Smith, 2xChristmas Dinner (1 Member, 1 Guest), EURO 80.00 payment).
Conditions of Cancellation: Your registration is considered binding once we have received payment. Due to our commitments to Café Luitpold, we are unable to return pre-payments for “no-shows.”
If you are interested in joining us for the Christmas Dinner, please be sure to register in the Events tool at www.agbc.de. This appears in the Munich Chapter section on the right side. The first time you use the tool, you will need to Register (i.e. your E-mail address and set up a password), then Login to sign up for the event. Should you have an emerging timing conflict, you can easily remove your sign up as explained in the tool. Signups are very important for our planning purposes.