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AGBC Munich Monthly Meeting - Values-Based Leadership

AGBC Munich March Monthly Meeting - Wednesday, 29th March 2017

Judith Martin and David Dickerson:  Values-Based Leadership

Why are values so important for our leaders in society and business today?  And why do values have so much meaning for all of us today?  In an interactive setting, Judith and David will help us reflect on what really matters to us. 

 Guest Speakers:  AGBC Members Judith Martin and David Dickerson 

When:   Wednesday, 29th March 2017          

Time:    Registration starts 1830; meeting starts at 1900, dinner buffet around 2030. 

Where:  Marriott Hotel, Berlinerstrasse 93, 80805 Munich

Cost:      EUR 25.00 for members, Eur 35.00 for guests (incl. Dinner buffet)

Sign-Up:  Events tab on the new AGBC Munich Community Platform at

At a time when many of us are questioning the values of our leaders in society and in corporations, this interactive session will provide us with the space to reflect and explore collaboratively what matters to us as individuals, organizations and businesses. Guided by several frameworks from human evolution and developmental theory, we will look at how our values link with our own personal growth, and why living our values is important for leadership and decision-making, as well as organizational performance and the common good. With examples and case studies from experience, you will take away:

·         A brief overview of human development theory in relation to values

·         Further awareness of why values are important for leadership

·         A broader sense of which values have meaning for us today.

This discussion will be the first of several evenings where we will discuss leadership in our contemporary world, evolving in the next meetings to discussions on value-based leadership in our German, American and international relationships.  

Originally from the UK, Judith Martin has been working internationally in professional learning and development for the last 26 years. She is an executive and team coach, trainer, facilitator and consultant, and has lived in various countries including Spain, the Czech Republic, Germany and China. Since 2003, she has been running her own Barcelona-based company Interact Executive Coaching & Training, SL, a global network of coaches and trainers. Among her core values are collaboration, authenticity, and continuous learning.

Never fearing challenges, David Dickerson left the US during college to study Russian in the Soviet Union before moving on to Germany to work as a bike mechanic and obtain his graduate degree in Electrical Engineering, while also moonlighting as a semi-professional musician. Since 1997, David has been working as a patent attorney with a strong focus on bridging cultures by representing US clients in Europe and vice-versa. Among his core values are honesty, responsibility, optimism and respect for others.