AGBC Munich 2017 Exchange II - Wednesday, 29th November 2017 - Monthly Meeting
Sharad Gandhi and Christian Ehl – Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Implications for Economic Inequality
Guest Speakers: Digitalization Gurus - Sharad Gandhi - Consultant, Technology Philosopher and Strategist; and Christian Ehl - CEO Hillert Interactive, Internet Activist and Entrepreneur
When: Wednesday, 29th November 2017
Time: Registration starts 1830; meeting starts at 1900, dinner buffet around 2030.
Where: Marriott Hotel, Berlinerstrasse 93, 80805 Munich
Cost: EUR 25.00 for members and guests (incl. Dinner buffet)
Sign-Up: Events tab on the AGBC Munich Community Platform at
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an increasingly “hot” topic these days. Sharad Gandhi and Christian Ehl participated on our 30 November 2016 AGBC Exchange II panel discussion that addressed: “Innovation – Advances in Digitization, Digitalization and New Business Models.” Since then they have been very busy finalizing their new book AI&U. As masters in helping us understand many of the implications, they will demystify AI and help us start to identify approaches for harnessing its power for advancing our organizations’ progress.
Here is the core thrust of the book: “The next technology to create the biggest and widest impact on all aspects of our lifestyle, industries, and society has arrived. It is Artificial Intelligence (AI) with its newly acquired magic of Machine Learning. AI is the next big thing and will transform all businesses. AI is inevitable. Its progress and disruptive power is evidenced in a number of areas – like Apple Siri, IBM Watson and Tesla cars. The use of AI for future competitiveness and survival is a must.”
In the process of writing their book Christian and Sharad talked to AI experts in Europe, USA and Asia - business leaders and non-technical people. Through their research and discussions, they explored many facets of AI while identifying interesting insights about AI, its applications, and how our natural human intelligence works.
While the advancements in AI enable high productivity, these also translate as wealth for creators which can cause economic inequality. Those not leading the development in AI have less chance to compete. The health and longevity of a few may improve significantly while the rest of the population may fall behind. We will discuss the risks of economic inequality and start to consider steps needed to mitigate these effects.
Sharad Gandhi is a technology philosopher and strategist for creating business value with digital technologies. By education, he is a physicist and electronics engineer and a marketing strategist by profession. He is a global citizen having lived and worked in Europe, USA and India for leading companies - Intel, IBM, Siemens and Tata. In spite of being passionate about technology, he is aware and concerned about problems that technology creates. However, he believes that eventually technologies like the Internet, AI, robotics, biotech, genetics, new materials and Space will help create innovations and solutions for many of our global problems in environment, energy, inequality, poverty, health, and demography
Christian Ehl is an Internet activist and experienced entrepreneur with a passion for technology and how it transforms our lives and the way we do business. He is working to leverage Artificial Intelligence for a good future by working with various start-ups and corporations on AI projects. In addition to this, he is also involved in the Breakthrough Innovation work with the United Nations and the DO School. Christian is an active business angel and CEO of Hillert Interactive. He holds an electronics engineering degree from the Technical University of Munich and an MBA from Wake Forest University.