U.S. Presidential Election Debate – AAUPW/MING Event
When: Thursday, 15th September 2016
Time: 1900-2100
Where: Amerika Haus (temporary facility), Barerstr. 19A, 80333 Munich (i.e. the temporary Amerika Haus site, 150 meters north of the Amerika Haus building).
Pre-registration is required: Register ASAP at www.amerikahaus.de/debate. Please note the special instructions in the 2nd paragraph below.
Price: Free Admission
Again for this presidential election year, the Association of American University and Professional Women (AAUPW) and Amerika Haus will host a highly informative debate on the key issues for the upcoming U.S. Presidential Election. The debate will feature Americans Thomas Leiser, Chair of Republicans Overseas Germany since 2010, and Will Bakker, Chair of Democrats Abroad (DA) Luxembourg and, until recently, International Secretary of the global DA organization. Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat, CEO and President of US Vote Foundation, will moderate the debate.
The debate is open to the general public, but space is limited so please reserve a seat ASAP at www.amerikahaus.de/debate. When registering, it is important that you check the box that you have heard about the debate through MING or AGBC. Should the team run out of reserved seating, a waiting list will be created. If you register now and later decide you cannot attend, please go to the website above and “unregister.”
The AAUPW is a private organization and a member of MING. It is for American and other English-speaking women graduates of accredited colleges or universities in the US. Their mission statement: "AAUPW works to further positive change in society by promoting education, empowerment, and equity for women and girls." For more information please refer to their website: www.aaupw.de