What’s Up with TTIP and TTP? The Debate over Investor Protection
When: Tuesday, 28th June 2016
Time: 1900-2100
Where: Amerika Haus – temporary site at Barerstr. 19a, 80333 Munich
Price: Free
Sign-Up: reservierung@amerikahaus.de
The debate over the investor protection clauses remains one of the most contentious issues in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations between the European Union and the US as well as those in the Transpacific Partnership (TTP) between a number of Pacific countries and the US. While investor protection remains a cornerstone for fair and productive free trade for supporters of TTIP and TPP, critics of the agreement have a variety of concerns, among which they believe that the protection of foreign investments and the dispute resolution system is a surrender of national judicial sovereignty.
Actually investor protection processes, like those in the TTIP negotiations, have always been key elements in free trade agreements, and Germany, the EU and the US have already concluded a number of these agreements over the past 50 years. Thus the question is why this now becomes such a sensitive issue. What is new in the investor protection processes now being discussed during the TTIP and TTP negotiations? What has changed with investor protection over the years? These issues will be the focus of our enlightening panel discussion:
Alexander Gebert, Attorney
Prof. Steffen Hindelang, FU Berlin
Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg, Director of the Institute of European Studies at Saarland University and professor for public law, public international law and European law.
Stefan Albat, Verein der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (vbw), Leitung Abteilung Wirtschaftspolitik
Moderater: Nikolaus Piper, Süddeutsche Zeitung