MING Event - The Munich International Women's Club's Annual Charity Christmas Bazaar, Peace Church/Friedenskirche, Saturday, 16th November from 11:00 - 15:00

Help support the MIWC's charitable organizations: the Munich Frauenhaus Women's Shelter and the NEEED Project in Burkina Faso. 100% of the bazaar proceeds will be donated to our charitable organizations. Join the MIWC on Saturday, November 16th, 2013, from 11:00 until 15:00 to take care of all of your Christmas shopping needs - handmade gifts, jewelry, pottery, art & photography, international bake sale, Glühwein & hot beverages, used books & media, instant prizes and more! Bring your family, friends and neighbors. 

Registration is now open for vendors, book your table soon as space is filling up! For more information or to register, please contact MIWC's bazaar team at: bazaar@internationalwomensclub.org. Location: Peace Church/Friedenskirche, Frauenlobstraße 5, 80337 München, near Sendlingertor U-Bahn/Straßenbahn station.




Posted on October 20, 2013 .

MING Event - Thanksgiving Dinner - 30th November

Save the Date

Thanksgiving Dinner – Gut Nederling

Saturday, 30th November 2013 Starting at 1900 Hours

Please join members from the organizations comprising the Munich International Networking Group (MING) to cap off this year’s Thanksgiving celebrations.  It will be quite an evening to remember, Gemütlichkeit at its best!  We will feast on a 4-course all-American turkey dinner (the works = pumpkin cream soup, Ceasar-type salad, roast turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce and apple-cinnamon Tiramisu).  In addition, the evening will feature All-American music  and entertainment by Munich’s acclaimed entertainers Linda Jo Rizzo and Mark Coonradt. 

We are meeting at Gut Nederling (Nederlinger Str. 78, 80638 Munich, phone 089-14 33 88 74, U-1 Haltestelle Westfriedhof) starting at 7 PM and have a special large but cozy rustic cabin reserved just for us.  The cost is Eur 39.50 for adults, Eur 25.00 for children.  To reserve, please contact Linda Jo Rizzo at 0172-850-2162 or E-mail:  mail@ljmusic-events.de. You will then need to make a 50% deposit in advance to hold your seats – please make your transfer (marked “THANKSGIVING” and Eur 20 per person) to:  LINDA JO RIZZO,  LJ MUSIC & EVENTS, MÜNCHNER BANK, KTO: 108910235, BLZ: 701 900 00.

Please note that if you cannot make it on Saturday, 30th November, similar Thanksgiving events are being staged by Linda on the evenings of Thursday, 28th November and Friday, 29th November. Same place, time, cost, and conditions. 

Posted on January 1, 2013 .