What is MING?

Mission:  To synergistically harness the strengths of the participating MING groups in joining for events of mutual interest and addressing topics of common or community interest.  MING is an umbrella group that provides an organizational interface, supports the sharing of ideas, facilitates making new friends, and stimulates learning.  We co-ordinate major events throughout the year and reduce event date overlaps for members active in several of our participating organizations.


What this website does:

This website is designed to help provide information about similar-minded local clubs and serve as a collaboration tool to coordinate and organize joint events.

How to get involved:

If you lead an internationally-focused club located in Munich, please contact: info@ming-in-munich.com to get involved.

Current Participating Clubs in MING: 


The American Drama Group Europe - Founded during 1978 in Munich, the ADGE's goal is to perform high quality theatre in as many countries in the world as possible.  Today the organization's reach includes many countries in Europe and Asia, and it is now making a Pan-European tour.  The actors come from New York, London and Paris (in 1985 French theatre performances were added to our repertoire) where the productions are cast and directed. The plays performed include American, British and French classic and modern dramas.  Further details are available at www.adg-europe.com.


American-German Business Club Munich e.V. (AGBC) - The AGBC has chapters in Frankfurt am Main, Munich, Bonn, Kaiserslautern, Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, and Wiesbaden.  With over 200 members, the Munich Chapter website: www.agbc-munich.com) provides an English-speaking platform that promotes relationships in international business, culture and traditions.  The AGBC is a private, non-profit, apolitical, international organization that supports free trade, the sharing of ideas benefiting both countries, and personal interaction between business people within Germany. The AGBC is open to people of all nationalities who support its goals.


Amerika Haus Verein (AHV) - The work of the Amerika Haus Association is to promote the intellectual and cultural exchange between Germany and the United States. It does this by promoting events at the Amerika Haus, such as lectures and conferences, that offer insight into developments in contemporary American politics, both domestic and foreign, and economic policies; the Association also promotes cultural programming of excellence at the Amerika Haus--such as concerts, readings, art exhibitions, and theatrical performances--that complement this mission.

Association of American University and Professional Women – AAUPW -is a private organization based in Munich, Germany, for American and other English-speaking women graduates of accredited colleges or universities in the US.  Their mission statement: "AAUPW works to further positive change in society by promoting education, empowerment, and equity for women and girls."  For more information please refer to our website:  www.aaupw.de

Bavarian International School (BIS - http://www.bis-school.com) is a non-profit private school with two campuses in Haimhausen and Munich-Schwabing. Approx. 1,250 students from 70 nations between the ages of 3 and 19 attend the all-day school. Personalised education, innovative and holistic learning as well as an international mindset characterise the educational philosophy under the motto "Believe. Inspire. Succeed." BIS is the only IB World School in Germany offering all four programmes of the International Baccalaureate Organisation (PYP, MYP, DP, CP). Every year, the average IB Diploma (DP) grade of BIS is four to five points higher than the worldwide level (2024: 35 pts at BIS, 30 worldwide). In addition, BIS is very proud of its extensive After School Activities and Signature Programmes.


 Scouts BSA (https://troop21.scoutsbavaria.de/) - Scout Troop 21 and Cub Scout Pack 147 are registered with Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and chartered by Munich International School (MIS). SCOUT ME IN:  We are an English-speaking youth organization, and our membership includes boys and girls from many nations. Troop 21 was first chartered November 1, 1949, and Pack 147 was first chartered at MIS January 1, 1994 (although the Pack has Ribbons going back to the early 1960’s). We belong to the TransAtlantic Council (TAC) of BSA and have an active outdoor program that includes hiking in the Alps, biking around Bavaria, camping around Europe, meeting new people, learning new skills, and having fun along the way. We participate in many International Scouting Events that bring together thousands of Scouts from across Europe, Asia, North Africa and North America.  If you are interested in learning more about Scouting in Munich, then please contact the Pack or the Troop - Pack 147 Committee Chair: CubScoutPack147Munich@gmail.com or Troop 21 Scoutmaster: ScoutmasterT21Munich@gmail.com.



Democrats Abroad Group (DAG), Munich Chapter - Here in Munich it is our goal to provide Americans a chance to stay connected to US politics and governance.  One of our biggest programs is informing Americans living overseas of upcoming elections and helping them register for absentee ballots.


Deutsch-Amerikanischer Herren Club (DAHC) - The German American Men’s Club Munich was founded in 1947 as the first one of its kind. The Club is a charter member of the Federation of German-American Clubs. Its major goals are the furtherance of good relations and support of various charitable institutions involving the two nations. The Club meets every Thursday at “Stammtisch” in the Ratskeller München, room Botticelli.  Once a month we have an excursion or a journey to places of interest, i.e. cultural highlights or events, companies, exhibitions, etc….Thanksgiving dinner, Weihnachtsfeier, Kirchweihfeier are annual events.

Entity Theatre e.V. (www.entitytheatre.com) was founded  by Danny Strike  and  Alison Sandford as Entity Theatre  Workshop in 1999.  What began with a small  group of drama enthusiasts has grown and evolved through countless workshops  and plays into Entity Theatre e.V. Entity is committed to workshop principles–time  to develop, experiment and have fun. Today Entity is an international English-language theatre group located  in Munich.  We have members aged 18 and over from all corners of the world, and we welcome people with diverse backgrounds to participate in our activities and perfor-mances.  Although we are an amateur group, we take what we do seriously, and we have a reputation for putting on fantastic shows with excellent reviews. Our community is passionate, dedicated  and  has a  genuine  love  for all  things  theatre.  We are always looking for new members who share that love to contribute to our community.  Our 24-HourTheatre Festival is now a well-established part of Entity, with each group of participants performing an original 15-minute sketch live on stage 24 hours after having been given a play title and a genre.

Expat in the City (http://www.expatinthecity.de) – We love to connect and inspire you!  It is our passion to connect people with all the services and inspiration that are out there waiting for them in Munich, our great city. We believe a successful life abroad starts with getting to know and find these diverse opportunities. A new life abroad can be seen as a challenge - or as a present. We want to help you discover the treasures it offers.  Our mission is to support and accompany, guide and help Munich’s new citizens to settle into their new environment.  Through the annual Expat in the City Fair we have created an extensive offline network of great businesses and expats in Munich, one that helps new expats spot opportunities and inspiration, get connected and to discover the abundant facets and features of the Munich environment.  The Expat in the City Network & Events website builds on this already existing network by providing an online space where businesses and expats can find one another all year round.


German American Business Association (GABA), Munich Chapter - Based in Mountain View, California and with a chapter in Munich, GABA fosters transatlantic knowledge-sharing and networking among German-American and Californian business and tech communities and related contacts in the Munich Area. GABA is dedicated to encouraging German-American business and trade.  Our programs address critical business, technical and leadership issues, with specific industry programs focused on Automotive, Life Sciences, Wireless/Mobile Communications, Clean Techology, Semiconductors, Women in Business and Young Professionals.

The German-American Women's Club of Munich (GAWC) was  founded shortly after WWII to help alleviate suffering and to promote better understanding between German and American women. With 220 members, our Club continues to be committed to these goals.  Countless friendships between Germans and Americans have been forged over the years as we work together to support our German-American Student Exchange and Youth Program as well as momentarily 17 local charities. Our main fund-raising activities are our Silver Tea held each fall in the Kaisersaal of the Residenz and our elegant Magnolia Ball held during the Carnival period in the Munich Bayerischer Hof Hotel. As friends, we enjoy sharing the preparations for these events.  In addition to our regular monthly meetings members also participate in many social activities including art tours, walking tours, dining out, cooking with friends, jazz nights, English and French culture and conversation groups, an after work group established for young business women, Essen auf Rädern and a twice monthly Stammtisch.  Honorary members of our Club include the US Consul General in Munich, the wives of the Bavarian Minister President and the Munich Mayor, in addition to Her Royal Highness Princess Ursula from Bavaria and Mrs. Karin Stoiber.  New members are warmly welcome!  Website:  www.gawc-munich.de.

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LJ Music & Events - Planning an event or party? Need help with organization, location, the right kind of music, catering, or decoration ?  LJ Music & Events (Linda Jo Rizzo) can help.


The Fulbright Alumni e.V. seeks to strengthen the exchange between current and former grantee holders from both sides of the Atlantic and the transatlantic friendship in general, by organizing and participating in events on national and international level and through our publications.  Please visit our websitewww.fulbright-alumni.de to find out more. The Munich Regional Chapter consists of approx. 180 members. Regular meetings take place each last Tuesday of each month at varying locations."  Contact email is rc.muenchen@fulbright-alumni.de

The German Australian Business Council e.V. (GABC) – 20 years of connecting Germany and Australia (www.gabc.eu).  The GABCis a business network created to foster long term relationships between Germany and Australia. Aimed at advancing both company and individual pursuits, we communicate and catalyse opportunities through business networking and other activities.

Global H2O - Our goal at Global H2O is to provide access to clean water to those in need, through construction of wells and sanitation facilities.  We contract with organizations in developing countries to identify where we can significantly improve lives in a short period of time, with minimal expense and complexity.   We are an all- volunteer organization with no paid staff and extremely low overhead.  Founded in 2009 in Munich and in the US, Global H2O has local organizations in Germany, the UK and the US.  To date, Global H2O has raised well over half a million dollars in donations and built over 70 wells that provide clean water to more than 150,000 people.  You can check us out at  http://www.globalh2o.org.

Haar Disciples - Disciples München-Haar e.V. Baseball-and-Softball-Club -  Since 1990, the Haar Disciples have provided the Munich area with an outlet for America’s pastime.  The club offers many different ways for people to enjoy the sport, from youth tee-ball, softball, and baseball teams to men’s baseball and women’s softball, and even a casual adult BBQ softball team.  Both the 1st Men’s baseball team and 1stWomen’s softball team play in the highest German levels of their respective sport, the 1st Bundesliga.  The 1st Men’s team will also play against international competition in the inaugural season of the European Baseball League in 2016.  For more information about participation in the club, or to find out when you can watch a game, please visit www.disciples.de.


Irish Business Network (IBN) in Germany – With 340 members, the IBN Bavarian Chapter provides networking opportunities to Irish people working in Munich and Bavaria and to friends of Ireland.  The organization holds events on topics of member interest, including access to Irish opinion leaders, decision makers in industry, government-level business support, and an Irish business knowledge base.  It is also a source of local expert advice, newcomer support, business events, and job listings and social networking.   Website : http://www.irishbusinessnetwork.de.

Jane Goodall Institut - Deutschland  (www.janegoodall.org (in English) or  www.janegoodall.de (in German)) - We are a global community conservation organization that advances the vision and work of Dr. Jane Goodall. By protecting chimpanzees and inspiring people to conserve the natural world we all share, we improve the lives of people, animals and the environment. Following in the trailblazing footsteps of our founder, we inspire hope through action, encouraging individuals around the world to join us in taking care of the planet we call home. Whether we’re restoring chimpanzee habitat, improving women’s health in a nearby village, or working with our Roots & Shoots youth groups in nearly 100 countries, we find practical ways to make the greatest lasting impact for people, animals and the environment.


Lions Club München-Multinational is a small English-speaking club with approximately 25 active members. All of us have international backgrounds; are either foreigners in Germany, or Germans that have spent extended time abroad, and work hard to combine Lions activities with our family and work commitments. Lions Club München-Multinational is part a global service network, doing whatever is necessary to help charitable causes in Munich and throughout the world. We are open to receive new members. If interested, please email us at lions.club.muenchen.multinational@googlemail.com

MJive = Munich + Modern Jive  - Come and learn Modern Jive with us! Easy steps danced to a wide range of music ranging from contemporary pop through Indy, swing, the '60s, country etc.  Taught in a relaxed atmosphere on a pay as you go basis - no need to book a course. Come with or without a partner (dance partners will swap during a lesson) - whether as a beginner or as a more experienced dancer. Regular MJive evenings 2x every week at 2 venues, each offering 2 lessons and a freestyle. Further details are at http://www.mjive.de/ 

Münchner Football-Club München 1979 e.V. - Since 1979 the Munich Cowboys have helped represent American Football - Made in Germany.  Fielding four football teams (Munich Cowboys Seniors, Munich Cowboys Ladies, Munich Cowboys Juniors and Munich Cowboys Flag) and the Munich Cowboys Spirit Squad (cheerleading), the organization provides a balanced platform for American football and cheerleading, one that features German, American and international players.  The Seniors participate in the First German Football League (GFL) as one of 8 teams in the Southern Division and a total of 16 in the league.  Further details are available at www.munich-cowboys.de.

Munich Dialogues on Democracy (http://www.dialoguesondemocracy.com/) – Supported by The Yale Club of Germany (www.yaleclub.de) and working in tandem with Amerikahaus Munich, we are an English language speakers series featuring world class experts with events that foster and support the values of a liberal democracy and its institutions. Our motto is Educate, Engage, Empower.  The community has grown to include people from all over Bavaria and Germany who want to support democratic discourse. Including diverse perspectives, we encourage collaboration across our members, friends and the general public in order to further educate and advocate, as well as to combat political polarization and authoritarian trends.  To paraphrase our February and December 2019 Guest Speaker Prof. Timothy Snyder (Yale University), democracy is not a given, it is something we have to work at. 

Welcome to the Munich International Ski Club e.V. (Website:  http://www.munichskiclub.com/).   Based out of Munich, Germany, we run regular ski day trips and snowboarding trips during the winter season - and social events all year round.  We have members from Bavaria, Germany and over 20 countries from around the world. Most, but not all, members live in Munich. English is the common language shared by members.  While we do not provide equipment or lessons, all resorts that we visit have equipment rental (skis, poles, boots) available, and lessons can be arranged with ski/snowboard schools there.  MISC facebook page - www.facebook.com/munichskiclub


Munich International Women's Club  (MIWC)  - The Munich International Women's Club e.V. is a social club acting as a source of contact to English-speaking women of all ages and nationalities living in Munich and the surrounding region.  Our charitable focus is a women's shelter in Munich, the Frauenhaus.  We are a member of two international umbrella organizations of women's clubs, FAWCO and Open Door, and through these we remain connected with other such groups in Germany and around the world.  


Munich Sister City Association of Greater Cincinnati (MSCA) – website: www.munichcincinnati.org. Representing the Munich-Cincinnati partnership founded in 1989, the MSCA promotes mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation — one individual, one community at a time. The cities’ citizens support these goals through development in the following five broad based areas:  cultural exchange, humanitarian assistance, youth and educational programs, and economic and sustainable development.  Specifically this is reflected in past and present programs including musical performances, art exhibits, construction of peace park and memorials, international cultural festivals, economic development, and teacher and student exchanges.


Parallel Skiing e.V. (website - http://www.parallelskiing.com/).  Parallel Skiing e.V. is a registered Sports Club in Germany and itself a member of the Bayersiche Landes Sport Verband BLSV. We are made up mostly of expats living and working in Munich. Our instructors also come from all over the world and our language of communication is English. We promote recreational winter sports among our expats and we concentrate mostly on alpine skiing. We specialize in teaching those of our adult members, who have never skied, to ski using the direct parallel short ski method or graduated length method. Parallel Skiing has its own ski equipment (skis, boots poles) that we provide to our members and we organize lodging and car-sharing for our weekend ski courses. We also offer a Kinderskikurs München at which we speak English and German to which we make day trips to Lenggries. For more Information or to leave us a message or to get onto our mailing list for ski course and InfoEve announcements, please  refer to our website.  Our email adddress is parallel_skiing@gmx.com/.We are in daily mortal combat with spamfilters so before you email us, please add parallel_skiing@gmx.com.com to your email provider’s contacts list or whitelist and confirm in your first email that you did it.


THRIVE International e.V. – Culture. Tolerance. Learning. Thrive is a politically and religiously independent organization and was founded in August 2014 by an international team thriving for a joint cause: promoting intercultural communication, encouraging tolerance and enabling education with initiatives and projects in Europe and Asia. We understand how important it is to have on-site contacts in the countries where we operate.  These contacts provide transparency and sustainable cooperation. We are currently working on projects in Germany, China, and Cambodia.  THRIVE International e.V. · Fuggerstraße 1 · 81373 München. For more information head over to: http://www.thrive-international.org/en/

 Thunderbird Alumni Group (T-Birds) - Alumni of the Thunderbird Graduate School in Glendale, Arizona meet regularly on the First Tuesday of each month.  Location vary each month.  The group encompasses about 100 graduates who work in the Greater Munich Area.


TripleD Events – This is an agency that provides networking events for the international community in Munich.  These events are varied and can be music events, skiing events, mountain trekking, biking tours or city touring events. The important thing is that the international community has the opportunity to cross-network for the benefit of all. 

 Triple D Events also holds a monthly Stammtisch that meets at 7 p.m. on the last Thursday of each month in the restaurant “Paulaners” in the Westin Grand Hotel in Arabellapark.  Meeting in our own room, the “Stüberl,” our members come from every walk of life and enjoy a good discussion on many and different topics. In most cases we have a speaker, and after the speech we have a lively discussion.   

TRUFFLE TIME (website: https://www.truffle-time.com/ - TRUFFLE TIME conceptualizes targetted THOUGHT LEADERSHIP ENGAGEMENTS where quality is more important than quantity. Our focus is engagement between and amongst our guests, whatever the event! TRUFFLE EVENTS are engagements where the topics and discussion are COMPLEX and intentionally designed to spark intellectual jousting!  Segmented between art, politics,  history, finance and the environment – Truffle addresses the challenges facing the world today.  If you want to think OUTSIDE the box, in a respectful environment, join us!